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pomeranian puppies for sale

Over 25 Years of experience love & dedication

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Pommania Pomeranians is the top quality producing show home in the West Midlands UK. All dogs are and always have been solely owned by Zoe Louise.

My poms are multi Crufts qualifying championship show winners including many 1st, BPIB and Group wins, CC's & RCC's, CAC, CACIB, Stud book Numbers and Champions showing around the world.

I am proud to have all import lines from the top breeders around the world since 2004 when i first started to import. I now only use imported poms from the best kennels in the world to improve my lines for the benefit and health of the breed!

Quality and health are very important to me and i make sure i breed for type, temperament, health and soundness. 

Good movement is a result of sound construction and a must in my breeding.


This is my hobby and I breed looking for my next show dog and sometimes pets or show prospect pom puppies will be available so please do write to me or call me if you are looking for a puppy and you will be able to visit and see both parents and sometimes their extended family as well and get a lifetime of support from an experienced trusted breeder with over 20 years in Pomeranians alone.  

Pommania was established in 1999 and owned by Zoe Louise some dogs have been handled by friends and professional handlers but remain in my ownership even though they may not live with me i am still there legal owner.


please note has not been working for some time now so please email me again at the above address

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