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Mini Pomeranian, Teacup Pomeranian, Standard Pomeranian Micro Teacup Pomeranian



Please do not waste your time looking for teacup breeds and micro teacup pomeranian, people who advertise them are not reputable breeders if they were they would not advertise there dogs as such and would not aim to be breeding these things.


How to find a Reputable Breeder

There are as many types of breeders as there are puppies. Good breeders spend a lot of time,money and effort on each litter they produce and only want the best homes for any puppies they don't keep for themselves.
A good breeder does NOT have puppies constantly, nor do they advertise them in every online classified they can find...Their dogs speak for themselves and the quality is evident. Many times the pups are spoken for before they are even born.
Some things to be wary of when looking at web sites are dogs that do not look like the breed they are supposed to represent or sites that have ONLY cute puppy pics and no adults pictured, logo's professing hand raising,like it is something special...the alternative is a bitch having her pups alone and unassisted under the house or in the backyard......Doesn't seem that it's so special that the person Responsible for the mating attend the actual birth does it?!!
Tea-cups and Triple-coated poms...These are nothing more than terms used to market their poms to the public. Pomeranians are a Toy breed and they have a standard that should be bred for. It is posted on here and the kennel club site and the Pomeranian Club web sites.
Many times you will hear well the Dam is 10-15 lbs and the Sire is 6 lbs,but they produce teeny tiny puppies....Wake up and smell the coffee!!!  A dog that is lacking in breed type is not going to produce a fabulous show puppy that is 4 lbs.
You may also see the term exotics and rare used to sell you a pup at an inflated price...Many times you can get a better quality puppy for less from a reputable hobby/show breeder than those advertising their "special" poms.
You will find breeders who do not show or belong to any dog clubs selling "show prospects" or advertising "champion lines" The word prospect is used because it means,zilch nada. There are many sites that post show results. If you want to know what the sire of that cute puppy did or did not do...go look them up.
There are many wonderful people in dogs who will help you all they can to find a wonderful quality pet or show dog but there are also those who will take your money and when you have a problem....well it's your problem.
Remember ANYONE can make a web site. Do your homework and learn about the breed you are interested in. It is also a good idea to join a few online groups for your breed but be careful of one that is only used for gossip and lies. Good breeders are usually aware of the questionable people in the breed and will be able to help you find a good breeder as well as answer any questions you have about the breed.

The Myth of Victorian/Standard poms of today

In the UK we  have a problem with people advertising litters of puppies as "Victorian Poms"  or "Standard poms" "miniature" "teacup" "rare" "merle" which are Back Yard Breeder/Puppy Farm bred poms which are nothing like a pom. They are being advertised as poms because poms are a very popular breed here and wanted by many as pets. The problem happens when this puppy bought from the above advertised as a pomeranian grows far bigger and barely resembles the breed. These poms are nothing like the owner saw at shows and on telly and then the pet owner is very upset and disappointed and i get emails asking why there pom doesn't look like mine. Then you have brake their heart and tell them the truth.

This idea that poms should be bigger and creating a new Victorian pom or bringing back the old type is just an excuse for badly bred dogs used by many who have no interest in the breed and are only out to make money from breeding to sell. 

On this page you will find the proof that the victorian pom was not bred out of existence but it was made a breed in it's own right in 1985 and still lives on today albeit a rare breed now.

There is no such thing as a victorian pom or standard pom, what people refer to as a victorian/standard pom today was registered at the German Spitz in 1985 and this proof can be found below 

If you go and check the history of the breed you will see that what some call the Victorian pom now was registered as a breed in it's own right being the German spitz Klein and Mittel this was in 1985.


In the meantime the three (Tum-Tum, Velvet, and Folly) had been mated with the Pomeranian breeds in the UK and also to each other, due to the KC registering them as Poms. This caused major problems. It was decided to form a separate club, after opposition to two sizes of Pomeranian by the small Pomeranian breeders and a decision was taken to attempt to get recognition for a breed separate from the Pom called the German Spitz. Despite revelations that some of the above mentioned dogs had in fact been registered in Holland as Dwerg Keeshonden which was in fact Pomeranians when translated and after lots of talks with the KC in the UK they agreed that there would be two sizes of German spitz to be called Klein (small) and Mittel (middle) and any progeny from the 'First four dogs could be added to the German spitz register. The puppies to be registered as German spitz who had only one of the four in their breeding would be put on a development register, whilst puppies with two of the first four as their sire and dam would be registered as full German spitz in one of the two sizes. The owner to decide which size. Once registered there was to be no interbreeding of sizes and an agreement was required that The newly formed German spitz club would agree to no colour/markings barred. You now have our present day German spitz in two sizes in the UK. They are gaining popularity due to their happy disposition and the high placings reached in both Crufts and championship shows around the country giving them a higher profile in the media. Challenge Certificates (C.C.'s) were first awarded in the breed at Crufts in 1995 and in November 1999, the club had its first Championship show.


Kleins 23-29 cms (9 - 11 ½ inches) Mittels 30-38 cms (12 - 15 inches) Dogs masculine, bitches feminine.

Pomeranians if bred correctly should be smaller than this, 20cm or 8 inches. yes you will get the odd puppy that goes too big but you should not be aiming for this.


Establishing The Facts


by Janet Edmonds (First Printed April 1988)

I was astounded - and, frankly, more than a little hurt - to read in Breed Notes recently that this breed owes its recognition to April Folly At Tordown, because this simply is not so. I then realised that, of all the people currently in the breed, only Julie and I have been involved in the German Spitz campaign since the very beginning and so perhaps it is time, before the truth becomes too distorted, to set the facts in order.

To follow events, one has to realise that there are several strands to the story which run parallel for a time until they are drawn together and I shall endeavour to give credit where it is due. I have no desire to present a sort of 'alone I done it' picture.

My own interest is first documented in 1975 when, after a lot of thought about a second breed, I wrote to the K.C. to ask whether they would recognise German Kleinspitz as such if they were imported. I received no answer and, since I wasn't yet ready to follow it through I didn't push it at that stage. In the early 1070's, Averil Cawthera, well established in Samoyeds and becoming so in Pomeranians, decided to re-establish the white Pom and to that end imported several Poms from Holland including Tum-Tum van het Vlinderhof of Lireva (Tum-Tum) and Venstein's Mauricia of Lireva (Velvet) in 1975 and 1976 respectively. In, I think, 1977, Rosemary Bridgman bought April Folly at Tordown, a very pretty oversized Pom and brought her to the Nordic. Rosemary knew of my interest in German Kleinspitz and suggested we pool our ideas and efforts and direct them towards restoring recognition of the two sizes of Poms under the apt name 'Victorian' Pomeranian. Since the two things were one and the same, I wasn't much bothered what they were called and agreed.

Later in 1977, Rosemary acquired Tum-Tum and, 1978, Velvet, from Averil who had achieved what she had set out to do. I believe there was some misunderstanding as to why Rosemary wanted them but, as I was not directly involved, I can neither be specific nor make judgements on the matter. I was certainly under the impression that both had been registered as Kleine Keeshond in Holland, and Tum-Tum was undoubtedly of Klein size.

About this time, a colleague, Julie Smith, was thinking of having a dog and, having been shown some Victorian Poms, decided they would suit her very well. She, Rosemary and I then imported - in 1979 - Tefanra-Leona's Lady Xabrina (Minty) on the understanding that Julie and I would buy Rosemary out at a later date. This we did. Minty was, however, always registered in the joint ownership of only myself and Julie and this was with the full agreement of all parties. Minty was registered in Holland as Kleine Keeshond.

When we sent Minty's registration to the K.C. we were somewhat astonished to find them come back as 'Keeshond'! I wrote to the K.C., with Julie's and Rosemary's approval, to say that she was not and that I understood previous Kleine Keeshonden had been registered as Pomeranian. The K.C. did not correct this statement (which I later learned was untrue) and re-processed her registration as Pomeranian.

Minty proved very difficult to breed and, when finally mated to Tum-Tum produced three puppies, each of which was undershot - a fault exhibited by neither parent. This was a shock as Minty had been selected primarily for her compatible bloodlines and we had until then assumed that the undershot mouths had come from the small Pom stock in the background of the oversized Poms. It certainly wasn't a mating we wished to repeat (if you look at my Teazle you will appreciate why!) and I then decided to make my own choice. I went to Austria where German Spitz were said to be of good quality and finally, in 1981 in Vienna bought Prinz Schneeflocke von Cottas (Schani), Austrian-bred but of Czech pedigree and registered in Austria as German Kleinspitz. He, too, was put on the Pom register here.

In the meantime, of course, Folly, Tum-Tum and Velvet had been mated to various British Poms and each other and Folly, in particular, played an important part in extending the colour range.

In the course of the campaign to recognise our dogs, it became obvious to most of us that the opposition from 'small' Pom people made it advisable a) to form a Club and b) that we stood a better chance of recognition if we aimed for a separate breed called 'German Spitz'. Rosemary was - understandably from her point of view - not at all happy about this and at one stage stated her intention of refusing to transfer Tum-Tum and Velvet if that was what the breed was to be called. This was when we learned that they had, in fact, despite their size been registered not as Kleine Keeshonden, but as Poms (Dwerg Keeshond) in Holland.

There had never been any doubt that Minty and Schani were, and always had been, registered as Kleinspitz and therefore they and their progeny were in fact the only true - in a purely technical sense - German Spitz in the country. Since it was obvious the campaign wasn't going to go away, the K.C. finally - and we owe a great debt of gratitude to Mike Stockman for his efforts on our behalf - agreed not only to recognise the breed and include Minty, Schani and their progeny but also to include Tum-Tum, Velvet and theirs, if the owners wished it.

Folly therefore came into the breed largely through her progeny by Tum-Tum and undoubtedly contributed to colour but not to the breed's recognition, for which she was never eligible. Minty has had very little genetic influence on the breed but Schani has - despite comments by his detractors, most of whom have never seen him - passed on his own superb coat, head, temperament and soundness and, on the debit side, a tendency to length of loin. However, put quite bluntly, if Julie and I had not been prepared to put our money where our mouths are and import two German Spitz with no guarantee of correct recognition, the campaign would have failed and you would still be trying to gain acceptance for oversized Poms. More probably, most readers of this wouldn't have got involved at all.

All facts in this article are matters of record, either in minute books or in my files and I have endeavoured to present them as factually as possible. I do find it ironic, however, that Breed Notes concerning the recognition of the breed in this country can totally ignore two dogs without whom there would have been no recognition. It would be nice to feel that a little more care and accuracy could be employed in the future and two much-loved dogs be given the credit they rightly deserve.

© Janet Edmonds




Report To KC For Breed Recognition


Report to the KC Breed Standards/Registrations Committee on German Spitz (Klein)/ German Spitz (Mittel)

Currently all German Spitz imports are registered in this country as Pomeranians despite the fact that in Germany the spitz types have been divided into five varieties or breeds. The German Spitz Club wishes to establish separate registers for the two varieties/breeds of German Spitz in addition to the established breeds of Keeshond and Pomeranian. At a recent meeting between the KC Breed Standards Sub-committee representatives and representatives from both the German Spitz Club and Pomeranian Clubs it was agreed to recommend to the KC Executive the establishment of separate registers for the German Spitz (Klein) and German Spitz (Mittel) both breeds being distinguished by height at withers. Breed standards based upon the German ones but with certain amendments are to be agreed with the essential between Klein and Mittel being one of wither height.

I was asked to make recommendations with regard to registration procedure for German Spitz currently registered as Pomeranians and for the methods of 'grading up' from Pomeranians to German Spitz. This report is intended to cover these points and has been discussed with representatives of the German Spitz Club

Breeders of Pomeranians have a particular interest in removing true German Spitz (Klein/Mittel) from their registers and this view is shared by the German Spitz Breeders. As a first step therefore it is necessary to remove all German Spitz animals from the Pomeranian registers and re-register them as German Spitz. The problem arises when it is seen that German Spitz breeders have worked from only a handful of imports and they have been mating these to each other and to larger versions of British bred Pomeranians. One cannot simply take all dogs thought by German Spitz breeders to be German Spitz and register them since it makes a mockery of the concept of breed. We thus have to set up German Spitz registers for dogs being up-graded to 'pure-bred' status.

In cattle breeds it is generally held that four or five top crosses with a particular pure bred bull will allow upgraded stock to be recorded as 'pure bred'. Five top crosses would convert to 96.87% pure and four to 93.75% pure. In my view it would be acceptable to settle for four top crosses with German Spitz before a Pomeranian can be classified as German Spitz (Klein or Mittel). It does not require the crosses to be male and use of pure bred German Spitz females will be equally acceptable.

Diagramatically the procedure would be as follows using four grading registers designated A,B,C and D to represent different grades of crossing the procedure:
Starting Point: Larger sized Pomeranians.
Register A would encompass all large sized Poms intended to be the base for upgrading.


There are complications in respect of Klein and Mittel. Ideally a register should be set up for each development stage towards each breed but that may be impracticable. I would therefore suggest that two pure bred registers be established, one for German Spitz (Klein) and one for German Spitz (Mittel). The development registers A,B,C and D should be combined as far as Klein and Mittel are concerned and at the stage of the fourth cross being produced, the litter (In its entirety) so born would be recorded as being either Klein or Mittel. From that stage the animals will be kept separate except when used on Development register stock. Hopefully German Spitz breeders will work on the principla of using top crosses with Klein stock throughout or with Mittel stock throughout to get the required type.

I have been sent three generation pedigrees for 50 German Spitz animals either imported to the UK or born here. Some are clearly Poms used as a base line, others are a mixture of imported German Spitz and UK bred Pomeranian 'blood'. I have examined the pedigrees and allocated them to the most appropriate register in the light of the percentage of German Spitz 'blood'. I have not attempted to allocate pure breds to the Klein/Mittel type but that would be a simple procedure which can be done with the club.

My allocations are appended, listed by the register they should belong to. In the case of some animals the percentage German Spitz 'blood' is less that 50 and is either 25 or 12.5%. Strictly speaking, these do not belong in any register being intermediate between A and B. I feel however, that it would be most logical to insert these in register B as a start.

Hopefully all animals in A,B,C and D will be mated to stock which are 100% German Spitz, i.e. in the pure bred register. In view of the limited numbers this might not be feasible without serious inbreeding problems. Accordingly matings may take place between animals in various of the development registers. Thus we may mate two register B animals together.

Our procedure should then be as follows:
A mating of B with B would be 50% to 50% and give rise to 50% offspring. All offspring should thus go in reigster B.
A mating of B with C would be 50% to 75% and give progeny that are 62.5%. They should be registered in register B even though they are higher than 50% but it would be unfair to record them in C.
A mating of B to D would be 50% to 87.5 giving rise to progeny that are 68.7%. They should thus still be registered in the B register.

Intermating with development register animals should be permitted as a means of enlarging the gene pool but animals so born must be registered in the lower of the two registers from which the parents cam. Thus B with C goes in B, C with D goes in C.

I do not favour a completely open registration system with no time limit. Nevertheless, I see the need to enlarge the base of the population. To this end I think register A entry of Pomeranians as base animals, must have a fixed time limit attached to it. I think this should be fairly short in order not to have a continual procession of Poms being transferred.

I think a period of three years from establishment of German Spitz registers should suffice for allowing Poms to be recorded as register A stock. After that time register A should be closed. Registers B, C and D should be closed progressively as animals filter through the system but at this stage I do not think we should put a time limit on them. I feel that a ten year minimum is needed to allow numbers to build.

Inbreeding: This is quite low. Roughly calculated inbreeding figures are given in parentheses after each dog listed in the apendices and the overall values are low. Even allowing for the short pedigrees I have inbreeding does not seem high. However, three animals do feature very widely in the population for 49 dogs for which I have pedigrees.

This is illustrated in the following table for the dogs Tum Tum vh Vlinderhof of Lireva (Male), April Folly at Tordown (Female) and Venestiens Mauricia of Lireva (Female). Relationshp to these three is shown in percentage terms.

Numbers of animals with percentage 'blood' from Tum-Tum, Folly and Mauricia


The number of dogs in each column is 48, the 49th being the animal itself. In working out percentage influence overall totals have been divided by 46 (i.e. excluding the three dogs named).

In effect, Tum Tum is grandsire to the population and the other two are each equivalent to great grand-dams. This is high reliance on a small number of dogs and the need for more imports of differing lines is paramount.

The German Spitz Club does keep litter records and hopefully will persist in this as a means of keeping an eye open for defects. None may have appeared in bulk but numbers are small and many defects take time to emerge.

German Spitz breeders may wish to gain full pedigree/purebred status faster but there are no shortcuts to up-grading and the best solution for an increase in numbers is to import animals in bulk.


Dogs to be registered in each of the registers after being removed from the Pom. register. Numbers preceding names are German Spitz Club numbers.

2. April Folly at Tordown
22. Boogie Blue at Tordown
30. Leehames Moonlight Renata
40. Golden Shunshine of Glendarrach

50% German Spitz
9. Tordown The Bon Bon
6. Tordown The Dolliwog
7. Tordown The Cuckoo Bird
10. Sherbert Fizz at Rikarlo
13. Tordown The Bundle of Joy
15. Tordown Fools Gold
16. Tordown the Folly Rocker
17. Tordown Chips With It
18. Tordown the Fancy Dancer
19. Tordown The Beamish Boy
36. Kandifloss of Torden
49. Cry Wolf At Torden
25% German Spitz
21. Tordown The Dream Cream
23. Kandyko Black Tarquin
24. Kandyko Cream Galaxy
33. Coomar Pipkin
34. Fairpass Elanee
48. Kandyko Little Missy
12.5% German Spitz
11. Tordown The Golden Boy
12. Tordown The Golden Girl
28. Merrichi Silver Star
29. Merrichi Little Boy Blue
32. Merrichi Blue Fox
35. Dixie of Wilbury

75% German Spitz
3. Cotton Bobbin From Tordown
14. Cotton Candy From Tordown
31. Merrichi Beaver Lamb
37. Kingsabbot Kandisweete
38. Kingsabbot Kandistare
39. Kingsabbot Prinz Leo
      Ding Dong Belle From Tordown

87.5% German Spitz
20. Hijinka Helles Belles
25. Serenade For Swanhilde
26. Concerto For Coppelia
27. Symphony For Sylphide

Imported Stock.
1. Tum Tum vh Vlinderhof of Lireva
4. Venestiens Mauricia of Lireva
5. Prinz Schneeflocke von Cottas
43. Tefanra Leonas Lady Xabrina
From Imported Stock
8. Lirevas Harlequin of Tordown
41. Merrichi Little Dutch Boy
42. Dovetrees Christmas Carol
44. NAF (by 5 out of 46)
45. NAF (by 5 out of 46)
46. Dolly Dapple From Tordown
47. Merrichi The Dutch Lover


In my view registrations should be made of all these even if no longer alive and no fee should be charged to the owners who have registered them already.



by Malcolm Willis (First Printed March 1984)

Report to the KC Breed Standards/Registrations Committee on German Spitz (Klein)/ German Spitz (Mittel)

Currently all German Spitz imports are registered in this country as Pomeranians despite the fact that in Germany the spitz types have been devided into five varieties or breeds. The German Spitz Club wishes to establish separate registers for the two varieties/breeds of German Spitz in addition to the established breeds of Keeshond and Pomeranian. At a recent meeting between the KC Breed Standards Sub-committee representatives and representatives from both the German Spitz Club and Pomeranian Clubs it was agreed to recommend to the KC Executive the establishment of separate registers for the German Spitz (Klein) and German Spitz (Mittel) both breeds being distinguished by height at withers. Breed standards based upon the German ones but with certain amendments are to be agreed with the essential between Klein and Mittel being one of wither height.

I was asked to make recommendations with regard to registration procedure for German Spitz currently registered as Pomeranians and for the methods of 'grading up' from Pomeranians to German Spitz. This report is intended to cover these points and has been discussed with representatives of the German Spitz Club

Breeders of Pomeranians have a particular interest in removing true German Spitz (Klein/Mittel) from their registers and this view is shared by the German Spitz Breeders. As a first step therefore it is necessary to remove all German Spitz animals from the Pomeranian registers and re-register them as German Spitz. The problem arises when it is seen that German Spitz breeders have worked from only a handful of imports and they have been mating these to each other and to larger versions of British bred Pomeranians. One cannot simply take all dogs thought by German Spitz breeders to be German Spitz and register them since it makes a mockery of the concept of breed. We thus have to set up German Spitz registers for dogs being up-graded to 'pure-bred' status.

In cattle breeds it is generally held that four or five top crosses with a particular pure bred bull will allow upgraded stock to be recorded as 'pure bred'. Five top crosses would convert to 96.87% pure and four to 93.75% pure. In my view it would be acceptable to settle for four top crosses with German Spitz before a Pomeranian can be classified as German Spitz (Klein or Mittel). It does not require the crosses to be male and use of pure bred German Spitz females will be equally acceptable.

Diagramatically the procedure would be as follows using four grading registers designated A,B,C and D to represent different grades of crossing the procedure:
Starting Point: Larger sized Pomeranians.
Register A would encompass all large sized Poms intended to be the base for upgrading.


Register A
(0%)Pomeranian (0%)mated toGerman Spitz (100%)

 gives rise to  

Register B
(50%)First Cross (50%)mated toGerman Spitz (100%)

 gives rise to  

Register C
(75%)Second Cross (75%)mated toGerman Spitz (100%)

 gives rise to  

Register D
(87.5%)Third Cross (87.5%)mated toGerman Spitz (100%)

 gives rise to  

German Spitz Register
(93.75%)Fourth Cross regarded as pure bred (93.75%)

There are complications in respect of Klein and Mittel. Ideally a register should be set up for each development stage towards each breed but that may be impracticable. I would therefore suggest that two pure bred registers be established, one for German Spitz (Klein) and one for German Spitz (Mittel). The development registers A,B,C and D should be combined as far as Klein and Mittel are concerned and at the stage of the fourth cross being produced, the litter (In its entirety) so born would be recorded as being either Klein or Mittel. From that stage the animals will be kept separate except when used on Development register stock. Hopefully German Spitz breeders will work on the principla of using top crosses with Klein stock throughout or with Mittel stock throughout to get the required type.

I have been sent three generation pedigrees for 50 German Spitz animals either imported to the UK or born here. Some are clearly Poms used as a base line, others are a mixture of imported German Spitz and UK bred Pomeranian 'blood'. I have examined the pedigrees and allocated them to the most appropriate register in the light of the percentage of German Spitz 'blood'. I have not attempted to allocate pure breds to the Klein/Mittel type but that would be a simple procedure which can be done with the club.

My allocations are appended, listed by the register they should belong to. In the case of some animals the percentage German Spitz 'blood' is less that 50 and is either 25 or 12.5%. Strictly speaking, these do not belong in any register being intermediate between A and B. I feel however, that it would be most logical to insert these in register B as a start.

Hopefully all animals in A,B,C and D will be mated to stock which are 100% German Spitz, i.e. in the pure bred register. In view of the limited numbers this might not be feasible without serious inbreeding problems. Accordingly matings may take place between animals in various of the development registers. Thus we may mate two register B animals together.

Our procedure should then be as follows:
A mating of B with B would be 50% to 50% and give rise to 50% offspring. All offspring should thus go in reigster B.
A mating of B with C would be 50% to 75% and give progeny that are 62.5%. They should be registered in register B even though they are higher than 50% but it would be unfair to record them in C.
A mating of B to D would be 50% to 87.5 giving rise to progeny that are 68.7%. They should thus still be registered in the B register.

Intermating with development register animals should be permitted as a means of enlarging the gene pool but animals so born must be registered in the lower of the two registers from which the parents cam. Thus B with C goes in B, C with D goes in C.

I do not favour a completely open registration system with no time limit. Nevertheless, I see the need to enlarge the base of the population. To this end I think register A entry of Pomeranians as base animals, must have a fixed time limit attached to it. I think this should be fairly short in order not to have a continual procession of Poms being transferred.

I think a period of three years from establishment of German Spitz registers should suffice for allowing Poms to be recorded as register A stock. After that time register A should be closed. Registers B, C and D should be closed progressively as animals filter through the system but at this stage I do not think we should put a time limit on them. I feel that a ten year minimum is needed to allow numbers to build.

Inbreeding: This is quite low. Roughly calculated inbreeding figures are given in parentheses after each dog listed in the apendices and the overall values are low. Even allowing for the short pedigrees I have inbreeding does not seem high. However, three animals do feature very widely in the population for 49 dogs for which I have pedigrees.

In effect, Tum Tum is grandsire to the population and the other two are each equivalent to great grand-dams. This is high reliance on a small number of dogs and the need for more imports of differing lines is paramount.

The German Spitz Club does keep litter records and hopefully will persist in this as a means of keeping an eye open for defects. None may have appeared in bulk but numbers are small and many defects take time to emerge.

German Spitz breeders may wish to gain full pedigree/purebred status faster but there are no shortcuts to up-grading and the best solution for an increase in numbers is to import animals in bulk.


Dogs to be registered in each of the registers after being removed from the Pom. register. Numbers preceding names are German Spitz Club numbers.

2. April Folly at Tordown
22. Boogie Blue at Tordown
30. Leehames Moonlight Renata
40. Golden Shunshine of Glendarrach

50% German Spitz
9. Tordown The Bon Bon
6. Tordown The Dolliwog
7. Tordown The Cuckoo Bird
10. Sherbert Fizz at Rikarlo
13. Tordown The Bundle of Joy
15. Tordown Fools Gold
16. Tordown the Folly Rocker
17. Tordown Chips With It
18. Tordown the Fancy Dancer
19. Tordown The Beamish Boy
36. Kandifloss of Torden
49. Cry Wolf At Torden
25% German Spitz
21. Tordown The Dream Cream
23. Kandyko Black Tarquin
24. Kandyko Cream Galaxy
33. Coomar Pipkin
34. Fairpass Elanee
48. Kandyko Little Missy
12.5% German Spitz
11. Tordown The Golden Boy
12. Tordown The Golden Girl
28. Merrichi Silver Star
29. Merrichi Little Boy Blue
32. Merrichi Blue Fox
35. Dixie of Wilbury

75% German Spitz
3. Cotton Bobbin From Tordown
14. Cotton Candy From Tordown
31. Merrichi Beaver Lamb
37. Kingsabbot Kandisweete
38. Kingsabbot Kandistare
39. Kingsabbot Prinz Leo
      Ding Dong Belle From Tordown

87.5% German Spitz
20. Hijinka Helles Belles
25. Serenade For Swanhilde
26. Concerto For Coppelia
27. Symphony For Sylphide

Imported Stock.
1. Tum Tum vh Vlinderhof of Lireva
4. Venestiens Mauricia of Lireva
5. Prinz Schneeflocke von Cottas
43. Tefanra Leonas Lady Xabrina
From Imported Stock
8. Lirevas Harlequin of Tordown
41. Merrichi Little Dutch Boy
42. Dovetrees Christmas Carol
44. NAF (by 5 out of 46)
45. NAF (by 5 out of 46)
46. Dolly Dapple From Tordown
47. Merrichi The Dutch Lover


 Numbers4247411Total = 50

In my view registrations should be made of all these even if no longer alive and no fee should be charged to the owners who have registered them already.

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